Create Natural, Highly Effective Dynamics for Collaborative Team Results

Every organization is a collection of human beings collaborating to get things done. As we are rediscovering what it means to be human at work, the outdated model of running an organization like a machine is no longer effective. Classic performance management loses out to new ways of approaching performance leadership: a failure to adapt and evolve is a strategy for disaster.

Evolutionary Leadership is redefining performance leadership to match modern business. It taps into the massive performance energy that lies in our natural capacity to connect, collaborate, and strive for meaning and natural growth. Integrating human capacities and skills into a new performance equation will empower you to break through the dysfunctions of the old approaches and get to the next level of performance on our evolutionary path: The Growth Path from Clarity to Impact.

Evolutionary Leadership Model by Claudia Lindby

solution areas

Sustainable, meaningful performance happens in collaboration and in integrated, interdependent eco systems. Ultimate performance in healthy, modern organizations lies in the alignment of all elements of the system, including high quality performance leadership and strong team performance.

I can help you how to get to the next level of performance for yourself, your team, and your organization.

You know the importance of dialogue, feedback, and individual development – but your team is not yet collaborating in a way that gives the progress you aspire to.

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Build strong leadership based on insight into your personal leadership growth path. Gain clarity, grow your confidence and develop your personal purpose. Free yourself of limitations holding you back.

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You want to remove friction for the eco system to thrive and perform. Performance will increase as you learn to balance people, purpose, planet and profit.

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In the Redefining Performance project, we uncover deep insight into the nature of performance
and core performance drivers.

Here is what you need to know:

KPI’s are mostly a too late measurement of outcomes that have already happened; and these outcomes in turn are a result of behavior manifesting even before that. Focus on your KPI’s and you will miss the opportunity to act at the right time. You cannot drive your car from the back seat, looking in the rear mirrors. For performance leadership, you must shift your focus to behavior, and communicate clearly about the behavior that will drive results.

Performance in human collaboration is dynamic, not mechanic. A dynamic performance equation takes into account all relevant element for performance, including behavior, mindset (thinking and feeling), the corporate or team culture, and the systems and processes you rely on or deal with. Understanding the impact of all elements is necessary for a performance leader seeking to implement strategies and operate your business.

Neuroscience now documents the importance of trust at work. The level of trust defines the way we interact and collaborate in order to solve issues, create solutions, and drive business forward. Trust allows for high quality communication, creativity in problem-solving, innovation, and for fun and meaningful work. Without trust, our professional as well as our collaborative behaviors shut down.

Purpose is the most powerful and focused source of energy driving performance and amplifying our impact. When this energy meets opportunity – something the world needs – extraordinary results are created. Talent flows, as well as financial flows, follow purpose-driven businesses. Purpose-driven human beings are healthier, happier, and live longer.

Results in modern organizations are increasingly created in cooperation, and we spend more and more time working in teams. Some 80% of employees work in teams and spend more than 80% of their time in collaborative effort.  

Teams have become the key value drivers in organizations, and team performance will make or break your business.

We know from neuroscience and human technology that performance behavior is a direct result of what you are thinking and how you are feeling about a certain task, other team members, your customer, your manager, etc. Open state neurology is preoccupied with possibilities and solutions. From a limited state or mindset, you will only see problems and “fixes”.

Performance leadership, team performance and even organizational impact has to start in the mind and heart – or it won’t happen. Leading hearts and minds is core to performance leadership.


Creativity is tapping into the most powerful opportunities available, manifesting our most desired outcomes…



We will spend the time necessary for your desired outcome, your dream, to become crystal clear. This is the core of the creative process, and the image of what Performance looks like for you will guide our discussions and decision making – we work “future-informed” towards manifestation of your next level of performance.

Seeing Performance as an emerging concept

Research shows that development and learning is greatly facilitated when we focus on our strengths and on what is already working well. Taking this as our starting point, we open a larger field of possibilities. And as we incorporate “what is already working” into the solutions we create, you’ll have the best possible take-off and be on your way already at the very beginning.


Research shows that development and learning is greatly facilitated when we focus on our strengths and on what is already working well. Taking this as our starting point, we open a larger field of possibilities. And as we incorporate “what is already working” into the solutions we create, you’ll have the best possible take-off and be on your way already at the very beginning.


We must be open-minded if we want new thinking. The best solutions emerge in an open process where we ask questions that we don’t already have an answer to and allow ourselves to question assumptions and the status quo.