For the past 13 years, I have worked as an Executive Coach, developing performance leadership through leadership development programs. I base my work on 20 years in international business including 12 years in leadership positions, combined with deep insight into what it means to be human.
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My Purpose
My Vision
My Mission
I believe that what tells most about me and my work is, who chooses to work with me?
I am honored to work with leaders and other strong personalities interested in performance and expected to create results, across industries and all types of organization.
They sense there is more to be had and aspire to lead in a more effective and sustainable way than what is typical for most organizations.

What best characterizes my clients is their mindset: They want to be free, get “unstuck” and be able to lead the way they believe is best. Authenticity is non-negotiable: they want to be themselves, and then lead from there. My clients are concerned with integrating systems, values, knowledge and competency to get to High Performance. They see “facts” and feeling and instinct as equally valuable leadership information. They are less concerned with power status and group sensitivity. They want flexibility and functionality; the person best qualified to make a decision – makes that decision. They want freedom, they insist on performance and on learning in order to improve; they want Big picture views, and they want to make a difference in the world.
See what my clients are saying about working with me.
My personal path from clarity to impact
Some years ago, in the aftermath of a major and much-needed business restructuring, it became painfully obvious that the way we – the C suite – had approached it, although highly “professional”, had led to failure. The perfect strategy we had developed led to no real changes in how we operated, nor the results we were getting. We never achieved what we aspired to, and the costs were significant on all levels: value share, employee motivation, brand reputation, financials…
This was not the first time we failed, nor was it the last – despite clever thinking, solid plans and good resource allocation.
Over the years, every day, our fine-tuned systems and processes supporting business development, performance management and people development more often than not led to frustration, anger or indifference rather than helping us achieve what we really wanted for business and for people. I experienced a need to integrate “hard performance” with “soft skills”: we worked harder and harder, often getting only incremental improvements – and often exhausting ourselves along the way. The difference between good leadership and poor leadership was all too obvious, and High-Performance Teams were an exception rather than the norm.
Until one day, in my search, I came across a different approach. Looking at business a human enterprise, I began to see not only how “old transactional business” differs from “new transformational business” – but also what becomes possible as we leave behind artificial hierarchies, the illusion of control, our limiting focus on KPI’s, etc. and embrace new leadership thinking and practices that are more aligned with what it means to be human.
This path has led me to develop the Evolutionary Leadership Growth Path, and today I join forces with purpose-driven leaders, open-minded pioneers, successful implementers. We explore, challenge and develop the concept of Performance to achieve what matters and to create the greatest possible positive impact.
We redefine and redesign how we work, in the day-to-day, with Performance for individuals, teams and organizations.
“Network Agency”: My strategic partnerships
For more than a decade, I have had a working approach that is highly dynamic, efficient, and inspirational: in networks of trusted partners, we focus on a client’s case and each contribute our unique strengths and areas of expertise with the sole aim of delivering the best possible solution and value for the client.
The principle is simple: if a person can add value to the client’s project or business, he/she gets involved – to the extent that it’s useful.
Check my CV and connect with me on Linkedin:
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Quick Links
High Performance is systemic in nature and therefore, is only possible when considered holistically. HIP Leadership is about understanding performance questions through four lenses (Behavior, Mindset, Culture and Systems) – and navigating in these fields when implementing strategies and operating your business.
Neuroscience shows us what trust – and lack of trust- do to human systems, people who work together fix to solve issues, create solutions, and drive business forward: no trust, your system shuts down.
Your results are a product of your behavior, and your behavior is a product of your mindset. HIP has to start in your mind and heart (“Leadership Mind”) or it won’t happen. As a leader, your behavior – what you saying do, and what you do not say or do – becomes very important for behavior in your team, and team behavior produces team results. To manage your behaviour – leadership signals – you must manage your mind and heart.
KPI’s are a late measurement of what has already happened. And what has already happened was a result of behavior even before that. Focus on your KPI’s and you will miss the opportunity to act at the right time. Move your focus to behaviour, and communicate clearly about behavior, and you are on the right track for HIP Leadership.
Move beyond limitations before doing anything. Open state neurology is preoccupied with possibilities and solutions. From a limited state or mindset, you will only see problems and “fixes”.

- 05/24/2023·